VisualAPL, The Dream Is A Reality

Webcasts related to APLNext's VisualAPL. Note: Webcasts are downloadable or viewable as a streaming video with start/stop and pause operations.

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VisualAPL, The Dream Is A Reality

Postby phpbb_admin » August 16th, 2007, 2:41 pm

Thursday, March 01, 2007 at 10:00am EST

This webcast will cover some of the factory new features of VisualAPL RC 6.0, including complete Script editor integration with Visual Studio, The "CieloSession" project (session state in Visual Studio), and bi-directional XML serialization of APL data.

VisualAPL 6.0 introduces some of the most innovative and exclusive features yet created in a .Net language. Here are some of the details:

Script Editor integraton in Visual Studio

One of the best new features in Visual APL RC 6.0 is the complete integration of the Script editor windows into the Visual Studio IDE. This new feature dramatically enhances the Script editing windows to include features like Realtime Syntax Feedback, and complete support for Visual Studio editor window options, such as line numbers and wordwrap.

XML Serialization

Using the new Visual APL XML data serializer, any variable in your workspace can now be exported in XML format to your active Session project, edited, and then reloaded back into your session with any changes you made to the XML reflected back in the variable in your Visual APL session! This also means that you can now save any APL data structure in a human readable XML file format, and share that file with other projects, or even save variables during an error condition in your application for later review.
meeting23_Thursday, March 01, 2007 (GST) - Visual APL, The Dream Is A Reality.asf
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