APL+Win and Microsoft SQL Express 2012

The discussion area related to the APLNext Database Interface Tools that simplify the use of Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle or IBM DB2 data bases in an APL+Win application system.

APL+Win and Microsoft SQL Express 2012

Postby joe_blaze » May 7th, 2012, 8:15 am

The attached pdf-format documents provide information about:
    Installing Microsoft SQL Express 2012
    Using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
    Using the APLNext Database Interface Tools for SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Express 2012 is a free version of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 which has the full functionality of the commercial versions, a relatively large data limit of 6Gb and can be distributedd royalty-free. The attached document provides detailed instructions for installing this software.

The Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is an application to create and manage Microsoft SQL databases. It is included in the installation of Microsoft SQL Express 2012. The attached document provides detailed instructions to use this software to create databases, including a sample database.

The APLNext Database Interface Tools for SQL Server is an interface between APL+Win and Microsoft SQL Server using methods which support the Transact SQL (structured query language) used by Microsoft SQL Server. The attached document provides detailed instructions to use this software with a sample database.
Using APLNext DataBase Interface Tools for Microsoft SQL Server.pdf
(2.16 MiB) Downloaded 1266 times
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Studio.pdf
(1.85 MiB) Downloaded 1257 times
Installing Microsoft SQL Express 2012.pdf
(1001.27 KiB) Downloaded 1186 times
Last edited by joe_blaze on May 9th, 2012, 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: February 11th, 2007, 3:09 am
Location: Box 361 Brielle, NJ 08730-0361


Postby G_Littlefield » May 8th, 2012, 5:48 pm

Is it possible to connect to localdb with the APLNext Database Interface Tools for SQL Server? If so, how you do that?

Microsoft SQL Express 2012 - localdb

Postby joe_blaze » May 8th, 2012, 11:28 pm

The attached document "Use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to Connect to LocalDB.pdf" describes how to use Microsoft SQL Server Mangement Studio to connect to and manage the 'localdb' SQL Server which can be installed with Microsoft SQL Express 2012.
Use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to Connect to LocalDB.pdf
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Location: Box 361 Brielle, NJ 08730-0361

localdb supported only in .Net 4.0+ projects

Postby joe_blaze » May 9th, 2012, 12:05 am

The attached document indicates why the current (as of 05/09/2012) version of the APLNext Database Interface Tools for SQL Server cannot access the 'localdb' instance of the Microsoft SQL Express 2012 database software.

A future version of the APLNext Database Interface Tools for SQL Server may resolve this Microsoft limitation.
Using LocalDB with APLNext Database Interface Tools for SQL Server.pdf
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Joined: February 11th, 2007, 3:09 am
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Re: APL+Win and Microsoft SQL Express 2012

Postby Ajay Askoolum » September 5th, 2021, 5:24 pm

This link http://forum.apl2000.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=849#p3329 asks Is it possible to connect to localdb with the APLNext Database Interface Tools for SQL Server? This link http://forum.apl2000.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=849#p3331 suggests that there may be a problem.

In my experience, it is possible to use LocalDB with the APLNext Data Interface Tool - see the attached PDF for a workaround. Here's my session:

Code: Select all
    ∇ Z←Start;⎕wself;hWnd
[1]   ⍝ @ Ajay Askoolum
[2]   ⎕wself←'dit' ⎕wi 'Create' 'APLInterface.Sql'
[3]   cs←"Data Source=np:\\.\pipe\LOCALDB#5E04A1A4\tsql\query;Initial Catalog=W3Resource;Integrated Security=true;"
[5]   ⎕wi 'XOpen' cs
[6]   hWnd←⎕wi 'XExecuteSelectQuery' sql
[7]   Z←⊃⎕wi 'XGetAllRecords' hWnd
[8]   ⎕wi 'XClose'

 63679 SANDRINE CLERK      6.9062E4   33225  900      2001
 64989 ADELYN   SALESMAN   6.6928E4   33289 1700  400 3001
 65271 WADE     SALESMAN   6.6928E4   33291 1350  600 3001
 65646 JONAS    MANAGER    6.8319E4   33330 2957      2001
 66564 MADDEN   SALESMAN   6.6928E4   33509 1350 1500 3001
 66928 BLAZE    MANAGER    6.8319E4   33359 2750      3001
 67832 CLARE    MANAGER    6.8319E4   33398 2550      1001
 67858 SCARLET  ANALYST    6.5646E4   35539 3100      2001
 68319 KAYLING  PRESIDENT  ?.?<00E321 33560 6000      1001
 68454 TUCKER   SALESMAN   6.6928E4   33489 1600    0 3001
 68736 ADNRES   CLERK      6.7858E4   35573 1200      2001
 69000 JULIUS   CLERK      6.6928E4   33575 1050      3001
 69062 FRANK    ANALYST    6.5646E4   33575 3100      2001
 69324 MARKER   CLERK      6.7832E4   33626 1400      1001

Note the Data Source specificaion on line [3] in the function listed above.

Of course you can use ADO with an ODBC driver or an OLEDB provider and, if MSSQLLocalDB is started, simply use LocalDB\MSSQLLocalDB as the server.

See the functions in the workspace found in the zip attachment in http://forum.apl2000.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1298.
APLNext DataBase Interface Tool for Microsoft SQL Server With LocalDB.pdf
(764.84 KiB) Downloaded 597 times
Ajay Askoolum
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