Helpful info about "Error applying transforms..." message

General discussions related to using the C# Script Engine in APL+Win.

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Helpful info about "Error applying transforms..." message

Postby Tech Support » August 2nd, 2019, 11:20 pm

After starting the CSE Setup program, if you're presented with this error message:

"Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid."

you'll want to download then run the utility provided in link below:
Fix problems with programs that can't be installed or uninstalled

While running the Microsoft utility, when you see this prompt: Are you having a problem installing or uninstalling a program?

select this option: -> Installing

Then when you see the next prompt: "Select the program you are trying to install"
select this option: APLNext.CSScriptEngine

When the utility ends, restarting the CSE Setup program should then successfully run to completion.
Tech Support
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Location: Rockville, MD

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